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এনআইডি স্মার্ট কার্ড বিতরণের সময়সূচি ২০২০

NID Smart Card Distribution Schedule 2020

  1. First of all you can know the information from the online internet.
  2. To Check Online Information of NID Smart Card Click here: Online Check.
  3. To get directly information just need to call the election commission help line number at 105.
  4. Know the info by sms write down the format.
New Voters who already registered but did’t get any NID card. They need to write, SC <SPACE> F <SPACE> D <SPACE> date of birth by this format year-mm-dd and send to 105. Example:  SC F D 1997-01-01
This is for those voters who have the olden voter id card but did’t get the smart card yet. They need to check by this format. SC NID 19785432345654345 and send 105.


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